manual abstract
• Use only AAA (LR03) alkaline
• Never use the docking station in
In case:
batteries or AAA (HR03) NiMH
locations where it might come into
• ... the internal parts of the AC
rechargeable batteries.
contact with liquids. Getting the
adapter are exposed because it
− The following type of batteries
docking station wet may cause fire
has been dropped or otherwise
cannot be used:
or electric shock.
AAA (R03) manganese (zinc-
• Do not drop the docking station or
• ... the AC adapter is dropped in
carbon) batteries/AAA (ZR03)
allow it to suffer extreme shocks.
water, or if water, metal flammable
oxyride batteries/AAA (FR03)
This may cause damage, or fire or
substances or other foreign objects
lithium batteries
electric shock.
get inside it:
• When replacing the NiMH
• Do not touch the connector or
• ... you notice anything unusual
rechargeable batteries, replace all of
insert the metal wires or similar
when using the AC adapter such as
them with genuine Olympus Ni-MH
object into any of the plugs. This
abnormal noise, heat, smoke, or a
rechargeable batteries (BR404).
may cause fire, or electric shock.
burning odor:
• In some cases, alkaline batteries
1 do not touch any of the exposed
may have a shorter service life
than NiMH rechargeable batteries.
• Unplug the AC adapter or power
2 immediately disconnect the
Especially at low temperatures,
cord from the docking station
power supply plug from the
alkaline battery performance is
and AC outlet when not using for
power outlet, and;
limited. In such a case, the use of
extended periods of time. If this
3 call your dealer or local Olympus
NiMH rechargeable batteries is
precaution is not followed and the
representative for servicing.
docking station is damaged then
Continued use of the AC adapter
• The bundled/included rechargeable
fire may occur.
under these circumstances could
battery is exclusively for use with
result in electric shock, fire or
Olympus digital voice recorder DS-
AC adapter
f Caution:
− There is a risk of explosion if
f Danger:
the battery is replaced with the
• Do not use the AC adapter if the
• Be sure to use the AC adapter with
incorrect battery type.
power plug is damaged or the
the proper voltage (AC 100 - 240
• Always charge a rechargeable
plug is not completely connected
V). Using it with other voltage
battery when using it for the first
to the outlet. This may cause fire,
levels may cause fire, explosion,
overheating, electric shock, short
time, or if it has not been used for a
overheating, electric shock or injury.
long period.
circuit or damage.
• For safety, be sure to unplug
• Rechargeable batteries have limited
• Unplug the AC adapter from AC
the AC adapter from the outlet
lifetime. When the operating
outlet when not using. If this
before performing maintenance
time becomes shorter even if
precaution is not followed, fire,
or cleaning. Also, never plug in or
the rechargeable battery is fully
overheating or electric shock may
disconnect the power plug with a
charged, replace it with a new one.
wet hand. This may cause electric
• Dispose of the used battery
• Make sure to hold the plug when
shock or injury.
following the instructions.
removing the power plug from
• Please recycle batteries to help save
f Warning:
the outlet. Do not bend the cord
our planet’s resources. When you
excessively or put heavy objects on
• Do not attempt to disassemble,
throw away dead batteries, be sure
repair or modify the AC adapter in
it. This may cause fire, overheating,
electric shock or damage.
to cover their terminals and always
any way.
observe local laws and regulations.
• Keep foreign objects including
water, metal, or flammable
Memory card
Docking station
substances from getting inside the
f Warning:
• Do not moisten the AC adapter or
• Do not touch the card contacts. This
touch it with a wet hand.
may damage the card.
• Never disconnect the AC adapter
• Do not use the AC adapter in the
• Do not place the card in locations
or power cord with a wet hand. This
vicinity of flammable gas (including
with static electricity.
may cause electric shock or injury.
gasoline, benzine and lacquer
• Store the card in a location that is
• Only use the dedicated AC adapter
out of the reach of children. In case
with the docking station. Using
• Always stop recording before
of accidental ingestion, consult a
it in combination with other AC
connecting or disconnecting the
physician immediately.
adapters may cause overheating,
power supply plug.
fire, or malfunction.
• When the AC adapter is not in use,
f Warning:
disconnect the power supply plug
from the power outlet.
• Never disassemble, modify, or repair
• Use only power supply of the
the docking station yourself. This may
correct voltage, as indicated on the
cause fire, electric shock, or injury.