manual abstract
Place sh ms ]= I near screws. D) Let plaster dry. Read the rest of this manual while you wait! E) Using a medium grit sandpaper and a sanding block, sand the plastered areas smooth and flat. RECHECK THESE AREAS TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE FLAT. Re-plaster if you still find low places at countersunk holes or seams. WARNING: Applying the cloth 22. Make sure slate/slatron is dry and free of dust. NOTE: Before spraying adhesive, cut a podion of the shipping cation to use as a shield to prevent cement overspray. 23. Place cloth over slate/slatron with equal overhang on all sides. NOTE: Cloth may seem small but it will stretch a great deal. 24. Fold cloth away from end to expose slate/slatron for your first glue application. Apply contact cement to top surface in a band 4 inches wide on this end. (Seefigure 12) Coat edge also. Spray cement smoothly and evenly. Allow cement to become tacky, wait at least one minute. 25. Fold cloth back over the table. With firm even pressure, presscloth onto the area that has been coated with cement. Smooth cloth down and over edges. 26. Fold cloth away from side to expose slate/slatron for your second glue application. (Seefigure 13). Apply cement to the side in the same manner as your first glue application. Allow cement to become tacky, wait at least one minute. 27. Fold cloth back over the table. With firm even pressure, presscloth onto the area that has been coated with cement. Smooth cloth down and over edges. 28. Fold cloth away from other side to expose slate/slatron for your third glue application. (Seefigure 14). Apply cement to this side in the same manner. Allow cement to become tacky, wait at least one minute. 29. Stretch the cloth across the width and over the edge of the table. STRETCH HARD ENOUGH TO TAKE OUT WRINKLES, BUT NOT SO HARD THAT THE CLOTH SLIPS. 30. Fold cloth away from other end to expose slate/slatron for your fourth glue application. (See figure 15) Apply cement to this end in the same manner. Allow cement to become tacky, wait at least one minute. 31. Make a final stretch along the length of and over the edge of the table, stretch hard enough to work out all wrinkles. (Seefigure 15) If cloth is not smooth, lift and re-apply. NOTE: Rubbing fingers lightly across cloth should not make cloth move. 32. Locatecenterofpocketopening. (SeeDetailAand B)Usingsharp scissors,make a straight cut. Next, cut to pocket edge to form pie shapes.(Seedetail B)Dividethesepieshapesinhalf.Asyoudo, thepieshapesbeginto relaxtoallow forplacement.Youmayneed to make additional cuts. 33. Sprayadhesiveontheunderneathsideoftheslatearound pocket face to adhere the cloth. Make sure not to get overspray of glue on table. Allow cement to become tacky, wait at least one minute. Stretchthe pie shapes down and under the pocket opening. Press the cloth against the cement on the underside of the slate/slatron. Besureentirepieshapeisfullyattachedto underneath sideoftable. Application First Glue ] Spray glue on edge of slate too. Application Third Glue J FIRST STRETCH Cut with scissors. should cover Detail A Detail B | identify the rails. Side caps must be installed before the rails are attached I This view is shown without side and corner caps installed to help I to slate. Corner caps will be installed after area is established, I 23 \\ Slate 4'---4 4 --_-lb- Look along the front edge of the side rails to be sure they align. Side rails must be in a straight line with each other, ! 3 ! 2 34, 35, Attach side caps #7 to one side rail (either #2 or #3) as shown in figure 18. Usetwo nails #41 per side cap #7. Hold nails with needle nose pliers and tap them into plastic with a small hammer. Attach side rails #2 and #3 to both sidesofthe slate using one screw #32 and two washers #43 at each mounting hole. Rails have pre-drilled statler holes on their underneath side. (Seefigure 17) Do not tighten screws tight yet. Follow the same procedure to attach end rails #4. NOTE: to help drive screws into rails, put a little dry soap on screwsthreads. Side Rail 1#31 0 Side Rail 1#21 36, With all six rails loosely mounted in place, establish the playfield area by measuring from the nose of the cushion of any rail to the nose of the rail directly opposite. Dimensions should be 44 inchesfrom side rail to side rail and 88 inches from end rail to end rail. (Seefigure 17) Measure each rail near pocket openings (on both ends). Also look down the nose of the rails to assurethey are in line. NOW TIGHTEN RAIL MOUNTING SCREWS -#32. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN SCREWS, CAUSING THEM TO PULL THROUGH WASHER -#43. 6 37, Attach corner caps #6 to corner of table. (Seefigure 19) Usetwo screws #25 per corner cap . End Rail 1#41 38. AlCachend aprons # 12 to recessedarea onthe underneath side of the end rails (#4). CENTER THE APRONS WITHIN THE LENGTH OF THE RAILS. Hold apron in place and spot the location of the mounting holes on the rails. Punch pilot holes in rail using an awl (or 8d nail) and hammer. This will require the help of another perso...
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