Manafacture: Unisar
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manual abstract
This product requires a little practice but the results are wonderful. • What you will hear through the BebeSounds® Prenatal Heart Listener® will be different from what you hear at your doctor’s office. Your doctor probably uses Doppler technology, which turns movement into sound. Our Prenatal Heart Listener® amplifies the natural sounds of your baby. • Please use a new 9-volt alkaline battery. • The best time to listen is 3 – 4 hours after eating and when you are relaxed. • The Monitor must be used in a very quiet room and on bare skin. Place the listening cone against your bare stomach (start two inches below and a little to the right of your belly button), and press the activation button to listen. Move the Monitor very slightly (at most an inch at a time) but be sure not to press the activation button as you move it. • Placing the volume control at a low to moderate level will produce the best results and avoid static. • You might not hear sounds immediately but please don’t be disappointed. It takes practice and you must have patience when trying to hear your baby’s sounds. The baby’s position will also greatly affect whether or not you will hear her. The best position is with her back to your stomach. You may have to try several times before you hear your baby’s sounds, particularly the heartbeat, which may be heard as early as the fifth month. Other sounds may be heard even earlier. 2 • Your baby’s heartbeat does not sound like your own. A fetal heart beats from 120-180 times per minute. It will sound like a rapidly galloping horse. • You will also hear kicks, hiccups, and nutrients passing through the placenta. Kicks sound like uneven thumps, hiccups like two rapid drumbeats, and the nutrients like a whooshing sound. The Prenatal Gift Set is a Personal Care Product and cannot be returned to the retailer. All exchange and refund requests should be directed to our Help Desk. If you are having difficulty, have questions, or need assistance, call our Help Desk toll free at 1-888-232-6476 Mon-Fri from 9:00AM-5:00PM EST Please read on 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION I. Listening to your unborn baby 1. Introduction 5 2. Your baby’s sounds 5-7 3. Recording your baby’s sounds 7-8 4. Instructions 8-9 5. Troubleshooting 9 6. Diagrams 10-11 SECTION II. Talking and playing music to your unborn baby 1. Introduction 12-13 2. How your baby develops 13-15 3. Research findings 15-16 4. Instructions for playing music 16-17 5. Instructions for talking and singing 18 6. Frequently asked questions 18-19 7. Endnotes 19 8. Diagrams 20-22 9. Music schedule 23 Record and Email your baby's sounds: 24 Warranty and Disclaimer: 25-26 Other products by BebeSounds®: 27-28 SECTION III. En Espagnol: 29-54 4 SECTION I. Listening to your unborn baby INTRODUCTION Please read the following material carefully to maximize your enjoyment of your BebeSounds® Prenatal Heart Listener™. It is important to understand that many factors affect what you will hear with your Fetal Monitor. The position of your baby, the baby’s weight, your weight, how far into your pregnancy you are, and where you place the Monitor all help to determine what you will hear. For example, when listening for the fetal heartbeat, the sound will be loudest in your third trimester and if your baby is positioned with her back to your belly button. Your baby may naturally shift her position, thereby creating the situation where you will hear the baby one moment but not the next. However, once you’ve passed your second trimester, your baby will be growing very rapidly and you will hear the heartbeat and all other sounds on a much more regular basis. Don’t worry! It is quite normal that there will be times you will not be able to hear your baby’s sounds due to her position or stage of development. This is especially true of the heartbeat, which is highly dependent on your baby’s position. IDENTIFYING THE FETAL SOUNDS YOU WILL HEAR You will hear the heartbeat, kicks, hiccups, and nutrients passing through the placenta. Each one is distinctive and being able to identify them will significantly enhance your experience. 5 We think the best way to describe each sound is as follows: Heartbeat: A rapidly galloping horse Kicks: A soft thud Hiccups:Two rapid intermittent thumps Nutrients: A whooshing sound A fetal heart beats from 120-180 times a minute while the heart of a pregnant woman beats much slower. Knowing this should help prevent you from confusing your own heartbeat with your baby’s. WHEN YOU WILL HEAR THESE SOUNDS The heartbeat may be heard as early as your fifth month. You will need to listen very carefully for your baby’s heartbeat at this point, as it may be difficult to hear it over the other sounds of your body as well as your own heartbeat. While the Prenatal Heart Listener® is designed to tune out these sounds, they can still get in the way. That is why the best time to listen is 3-4 hours after a meal and when you are relaxed and have a slower heartbeat. You may be...