User manual Medela, model Lactina and Classic Breast Pump General Instructions
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Box 660, McHenry, IL 60051-0660 P.O. Box 131, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4T 3B5 Phone: 800-435-8316 or 815-363-1166 Fax: 800-995-7867 or 815-363-1246 Classic is a trademark and Lactina is a registered trademark of Medela, Inc. © 2002 Medela Printed in the U.S.A. Breastpumping Tips Breastpumps come in a variety of styles. It is important that breastpumps are safe, effective ana comfortable. Always read the manufacturer's instructions before using your pump. A healthy infant is far more effective at emptying the breast than any pump. Remember, breastfeeding is a learned process. Be patient. It may take some time before you are comfortable and proficient. Here are some basic tips to boost your breastpumping know-how: • Always wash your hands before breastpumping. • Center your nipple in the tunnel of the breastshield. • For relaxation purposes, drink water, juice or tea before or during pumping. • Start pumping on minimum vacuum setting, and gradually increase as needed. • If pumping is uncomfortable, decrease vacuum. • If nipple rubs on inside of breastshield, ask your nurse or rental station for a larger breastshield (PersonalFit-Breastshield) or call Medela at 1 -800-435-8316. Your ideal pumping time will depend on your baby's schedule. If you want to prepare a feeding, try pumping in the morning when milk is most plentiful. To maintain an adequate milk supply, frequent feedings at the breast and/or pumping are essential. Fatigue, illness, or decreased stimulation can decrease milk supply. As stimulation increases, however, milk production will increase. Finally, remember to take good care of yourself! Eat well, drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest. 1 Health and Safety Information Please read this section before using your Medela breastpump. Cleaning and Sterilization Follow these cleaning instructions in the hospital or at home unless you are told otherwise by your physician or another medical professional. IMPORTANT This product has been designed for single patient use and should not be shared between patients unless properly sterilized between uses. Take apart all parts of your accessory kit prior to cleaning and sterilization. Take special care to remove the valve from the breastshield and separate the membrane from the valve rior to cleaning or sterilization (see parts 2, 3, and 4 on reastpump parts lists). 1. Hospital Sterilization Prior to first use (if kit is in non^sterile packaging) and before first use in the morning: All disassembled parts can be autoclaved to a maximum of 272°F for 3 minutes at 29 PSIG or 250°F for 15 minutes at 15 PSIG. To avoid damage during and immediately after sterilization: - Sterilize parts without applying external pressure to them. - Allow parts to cool before applying external pressure. Autoclaving the tubi ng may cause clouding or discoloration which will not affect kit performance. ! u 8 If gas sterilization is used, residual testing is recommended to determine the proper length of aeration. 2. Home Sanitizing Prior to first use and before first use each day: Disassemble, wash and rinse all parts of your kit and breast-pump that come in contact with the breast and milk. Tubing, cylinder and piston, including rubber parts, should be washed weekly, at minimum, or when milk or condensation is visible. *lf using Classic " Breastpump parts, DO NOT USE SOAP, ONLY WATER, TO CLEAN BARRIER FILTER. (See item #5 on Classic Breastpump parts list, page 13) - Barrier Filter • Place parts in a 4-5 quart pan. • Fill to within 1 inch of rim with cold water. • Cover and boil for 20 minutes. • Remove from stove, drain water off and allow parts to cool in open pan. NOTE: Do not set pan back on hot burner. • Remove all parts and allow to air dry on a clean surface. Cover parts when not in use. 3. Home and Hospital Cleaning After each use: • Take apart and wash all parts that come in contact with the breast and milk (except Classic breastpump barrier/filter) in soapy water. • Rinse in clear water. • Air-dry on clean towel and cover parts when not in use. 3 Tubing Care: Inspect tubing after each pumping session for condensation and or milk. If condensation appears in tubing: To eliminate condensation after you have completed pumping, continue running the pump with the tubing attached for another 1 -2 minutes or until dry. If milk appears in tubing: 1. Turn off the pump and unplug from power source. 2. Remove and disassemble the tubing, pump connector, piston, cylinder and barrier filter (parts vary by pump used). Except for barrier filter, wash in soapy water then rinse in cold clear water. The barrier filter may be cleaned by rinsing in warm water without soap. 3. Shake water droplets out of tubing and hang to air-dry. For faster drying, attach tubing to pump and run pump 1-2 minutes or until dry, or pour a small amount of isopropyl alcohol through the tubing to dry. Care of piston assembly The inside of the cylinder...