Manafacture: Wayne-Dalton
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File name: 348366_MH_8850_TOR_08.03.09.pdf

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manual abstract
backRoom RequiRemeNT: Backroom is defined as the distance needed from the opening back into the garage to allow the door to open fully. weather Seal (may Not be included): Cut or trim the weather seal (if necessary) to the header and jambs. Align the header seal with the inside edge of the header and temporarily secure it to the header with equally spaced nails. Next, fit the jamb seals up tight against the header seal and flush with the inside edge of the jamb. Temporarily secure the jamb seals with equally space nails approximately 12” to 18” apart. This will keep the bottom section from falling out of the opening during installation. NoTe: Do not permanently attach weather seal to the jamb at this time. waRNiNg WEAThER SEAL hEADROOM hEADER jAMB BACKROOM jAMB DAYLIGhTOPENINGhEIGhT DAYLIGhTOPENINGWIDTh SIDE ROOM MINIMUM hEADROOM REqUIRED (REfER TO hEADROOM ChART) hEADER TO ShAfT CENTERLINE 8” fOR 2” TRACK 12” fOR 3” TRACK SIDE ROOM BACKROOM EXTEND jAMBS 14”MINIMUM WALL ANGLES CUT 3” Off fOR 12” RADIUS APPLICATIONS Dim. y iNDicaTeS The DiSTaNce FRom The heaDeR To The ceNTeR liNe oF ToRSioN ShaFT. NoTe: 3” Of ADDITIONAL hEADROOM IS REqUIRED fOR SINGLE TROLLEY OPERATOR INSTALLATIONS. NoTe: hEADROOM CAN BE REDUCED 2-1/2” BY USING ThE qUICK CLOSING TOP fIXTURE OR BY ShORTENING ThE VERTICAL TRACKS BY 3” MAX. Please Do Not Return This Product To The Store. Contact your local Wayne-Dalton dealer. To find your local Wayne-Dalton dealer, refer to your local yellow pages/business listings or go to the Find a Dealer section online at Tools Needed: PRe iNSTallaTioN Preparing the opening continued...... wooD JambS 2” TRack fLUSh 1-1/2” 2” X 6” jAMB IS RECOMMENDED 1/2”- 5/8” 5/16 X 1-5/8” LAG SCREW4” MIN.SIDE ROOM 4-3/16” wooD JambS 3” TRack fLUSh 1” 2” X 6” jAMB IS RECOMMENDED 1/2”- 5/8” 5/16 X 1-5/8” LAG SCREW5-1/2” MIN.SIDE ROOM 4-15/16” installation Begin the installation of the door by checking the opening. It must be the same size as the door. Vertical jambs must be plumb and level with header. imPoRTaNT: STAINLESS STEEL OR PT 2000 COATED LAG SCREWS (NOT SUPPLIED) MUST BE USED WhEN INSTALLING CENTER BEARING BRACKETS, END BRACKETS, jAMB BRACKETS, OPERATOR MOUNTING/SUPPORT BRACKETS AND DISCONNECT BRACKETS ON TREATED LUMBER (PRESERVATIVE-TREATED). STAINLESS STEEL OR PT 2000 COATED LAG SCREWS ARE NOT NECESSARY WhEN INSTALLING PRODUCTS ON UN-TREATED LUMBER. imPoRTaNT: WhEN INSTALLING 5/16” DIAMETER LAG SCREWS USING AN ELECTRIC DRILL/DRIVER, ThE DRILL/DRIVER’S CLUTCh MUST BE SET TO DELIVER NO MORE ThAN 200 IN. LBS. Of TORqUE. fASTENER fAILURE COULD OCCUR AT A hIGhER SETTING. Note: It is recommended that 5/16” lag screws be pilot drilled using a 3/16” drill bit, prior to fastening. DRumS DimS 3” TRack, 15” RaDiuS 2” TRack, 15” RaDiuS 2” TRack, 12” RaDiuS 400-8 hEADROOM 15-1/2” 14-1/2” 12-1/2” Note: for other drums, mounting conditions, lifts, and options, consult your Wayne-Dalton representative. heaDRoom chaRT For Standard lift Track (minimum Distance Required) backRoom chaRT & SiDeRoom chaRT WEAThER SEAL jAMB 1/8” TO 1/4” WEAThER SEAL WALLANGLE (ANGLE MOUNT) USED fOR CONTINUOUS WALL ANGLE TRACK USED fOR BRACKET MOUNT TRACK Tools Needed: PRe iNSTallaTioN Preparing the opening continued...... wooD JambS 2” TRack fLUSh 1-1/2” 2” X 6” jAMB IS RECOMMENDED 1/2”- 5/8” 5/16 X 1-5/8” LAG SCREW4” MIN.SIDE ROOM 4-3/16” wooD JambS 3” TRack fLUSh 1” 2” X 6” jAMB IS RECOMMENDED 1/2”- 5/8” 5/16 X 1-5/8” LAG SCREW5-1/2” MIN.SIDE ROOM 4-15/16” installation Begin the installation of the door by checking the opening. It must be the same size as the door. Vertical jambs must be plumb and level with header. imPoRTaNT: STAINLESS STEEL OR PT 2000 COATED LAG SCREWS (NOT SUPPLIED) MUST BE USED WhEN INSTALLING CENTER BEARING BRACKETS, END BRACKETS, jAMB BRACKETS, OPERATOR MOUNTING/SUPPORT BRACKETS AND DISCONNECT BRACKETS ON TREATED LUMBER (PRESERVATIVE-TREATED). STAINLESS STEEL OR PT 2000 COATED LAG SCREWS ARE NOT NECESSARY WhEN INSTALLING PRODUCTS ON UN-TREATED LUMBER. imPoRTaNT: WhEN INSTALLING 5/16” DIAMETER LAG SCREWS USING AN ELECTRIC DRILL/DRIVER, ThE DRILL/DRIVER’S CLUTCh MUST BE SET TO DELIVER NO MORE ThAN 200 IN. LBS. Of TORqUE. fASTENER fAILURE COULD OCCUR AT A hIGhER SETTING. Note: It is recommended that 5/16” lag screws be pilot drilled using a 3/16” drill bit, prior to fastening. DRumS DimS 3” TRack, 15” RaDiuS 2” TRack, 15” RaDiuS 2” TRack, 12” RaDiuS 400-8 hEADROOM 15-1/2” 14-1/2” 12-1/2” Note: for other drums, mounting conditions, lifts, and options, consult your Wayne-Dalton representative. heaDRoom chaRT For Standard lift Track (minimum Distance Required) backRoom chaRT & SiDeRoom chaRT WEAThER SEAL jAMB 1/8” TO 1/4” WEAThER SEAL WALLANGLE (ANGLE MOUNT) USED fOR CONTINUOUS WALL ANGLE TRACK USED fOR BRACKET MOUNT TRACK TRack DePTh SiZe iNTo Room SiDeRoom DOOR hEIGhT 2” PLUS 18” If TROLLEY4” PLUS 66” DOOR hEIGhT 3” PLUS 24” If TROLLEY5-1/2” PLUS 66” 7 Please Do Not Return This Product To The Store. Contact yo...