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Recording From CDsWhen tracks, which aren’t numerically consecutive on3 Press EDIT/TIME FADE to have the player createthe disc, are programmed consecutively

When you reduce the output level, “FADE” appears in the display. When you turn off the player, the output level automatically returns to the maximum level. Note If you press the ANALOG OUT LEVEL +/– buttons on the remote while recording, the recording level will change even when it is preset on the tape deck, etc. • If you have a digital component such as a digital amplifier, D/A converter, DAT or MD Connect the component via the DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) connector using the optical cable (not suppl

Uberlassen Sie Wartungsarbeiten stets nur qualifiziertem Fachpersonal. Der Laser in diesem Gerat erzeugt Strahlung, die den Grenzwert fur Gerate der Klasse 1 ubersteigt. Dieses Gerat wurde als Laser-Gerat der Klasse 1 (CLASS 1 LASER) klassifiziert. Das entsprechende Etikett (CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT) befindet sich au.en an der Ruckseite des Gerats. Der folgende Warnaufkleber befindet sich innen im Gerat oder an der Gerateoberseite. CAUTION : ADVARSEL : VORSICHT : VARO ! : VARNING : ADVERSEL : INVIS

2 Press INPUT. 3 Turn AMS ±until “DISC MEMO” appears in the display, then push AMS ±. The flashing cursor (O) appears. 4 Turn AMS ±until the character you want appears in the display. The cursor disappears and the first space for the Disc Memo flashes. As you turn AMS ±clockwise, the characters appear in the following order. Turn AMS ±counterclockwise to go back to the previous character. (space) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v

This is made possible by incorporating a noise-shaping filter in the 24-bit A/D converter of this unit, which has a frequency range designed to cover the range of human hearing. During recording pause, press SBM. The indicator lights up. When you press the button again, the function is canceled and the indicator turns off. Notes • You cannot change the setting while recording. • When you record through the DIGITAL OPTICAL IN jack, or when you make Synchro-Recording, the SBM function is automatic

When listening with the headphones (CDP-CE505 and CDP-C450Z only) Connect the headphones to the PHONES jack on the player and adjust the volume with the PHONE LEVEL control on the player or with the LINE OUT LEVEL +/– buttons on the remote. You can adjust the output level to the amplifier (except for CDP-CE305, CDP-C250Z and CDP-C661) Press LINE OUT LEVEL +/– on the remote. You can reduce the output level up to –20EdB. When you reduce the output FADE level, appears in the display. When you turn

By inserting a pause during programming, you can divide the program into two for recording on both sides of a tape. DISC 1 - 5 H XlAMS L PROGRAM 1 Create your program (for side A when recording on a tape) while checking the total playing time indicated in the display. Follow Steps 1 to 5 in “Creating Your Own Program” on page 12. The A indication appears in the display. 2 When you record on both sides of the tape, press Xto insert a pause. The “P” and AB indications appear in the display and the

Oбязaтeльно отключитe питaниe вcex компонeнтов пepeд иx подключeниeм и выполнитe подключeния нaдeжно, чтобы иcключить помexи. Ecли имeeтcя ycилитeль, обоpyдовaнный 5.1-кaнaльными вxодными гнeздaми (многокaнaльный ycилитeль, ycилитeль ayдио/видeо и т.д.), и пpоигpывaтeль и ycилитeль подключaютcя чepeз гнeздa ANALOG 5.1CH OUT, можно воcпpоизводить диcк Super Audio CD и полyчaть многокaнaльноe звyчaниe. Для ноpмaльного воcпpоизвeдeния подключитe пpоигpывaтeль и ycилитeль чepeз гнeздa ANALOG 2CH OUT