User manual GE, model 1-Jul
Manafacture: GE File size: 2.51 mb File name: a0dc2da3-5edf-6914-9128-2539046e209e.pdf
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manual abstract
REFER SERVICING IMP 0 R TAN T "DANGEROUS TO QUALIFIED SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS VOLTAGE" INSIDE PERSONNEL. ACCOMPANYING THE PRODUCT. TH E PRO DU CT. SEE MARKING ON BOTTOMI BACK OF pAODUCT WARNING:TO PREVENT FIRE OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS PRODUCTTO RAIN OR MOISTURE. . FCCInformation . Thisdevicecomplies with Part15ofthe FCCRules. : Operation is subject to the following two . conditions: (1)Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmful . interference, and (2)this device must accept any . interference received, including interference that . may cause undesired operation. : Inaccordance with FCCrequirements, changes or . modifications not expresslyapproved byThomson .i .i .: Ine.could void the user's authority to operate this . product. . This device generates and uses radio frequency ( (RF) energy, and if not installed and used properly, . this equipment may cause interference to radio : and television reception. . Ifthis equipment does cause interference to radio . or television reception (which you can determine . by unplugging the unit), try to correct the . interference by one or more of the following . measures: . .Re-orient the receiving antenna (that is, the : antenna for the radio or television that is . "receiving" the interference). . .Move the unit away from the equipment that is . receiving interference. ..Plugthe unitintoadifferent walloutlet sothat : the unit and the equipment receivinginterference . are on different branch circuits. . If these measures do not eliminate the . interference, please consult your dealer or an . experienced radioltelevision technician for . additional suggestions. Also, the Federal . Communications Commission has prepared a : helpful booklet, "How To Identify and Resolve . Radio 1V Interference Problems." This booklet is . availablefrom the U.S. Government Printing . Office,Washington, DC20402.Pleasespecifystock . number 004-000-00345-4when ordering copies. For Your Safety ; :mI The AC power plug is polarized(onebladeiswider (iJQ\ thantheother)andonlyfits ~ ~ into ACpower outlets one ~ ~ way. If the plug will not go into the outlet completely, turn the plug over and try to insert it the other. way. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified' electrician to change the outlet, or use a different. one. Donot attemptto bypassthis safety feature. . For Your Records Inthe event that service should be required, you' may need both the model number and the serial. number. Inthe space below, record the date and' place of purchase: Date of Purchase: Place of Purchase: Service Information This product should be serviced only by those: specially trained in appropriate servicing. techniques. For instructions on how to obtain' service, refer to the warranty included in this. Guide. .. ..."....... ' . ' """""""'" . ~: Thisclockradioisequippedwith amemory 8iIiIiI. holdingsystemthat canbepoweredwith : 9V battery (not included). The power . failureprotectioncircuitwill notoperate.. . unlessbattery is installed. . When normal household power is interrupted, or ACcordisunplugged,the batterywill powerthe clockradioto keep . track of time and alarm settings programmedinto the memory.Whenthe battery backup functions, the digital . display will not light, however, the function of alarm still occursduring the power interruption if remaining battery . powerisadequate. Normaloperationwill . resumeafter ACpower is restoredsoyou . will not have to reset the time or the . alarm. . Installbattery asbelow: . 1. Removebatterycompartmentdoor (locatedatthe bottomoftheradio)by applying thumb pressure to area indicatedonbatterydoorandthen lift the door out and off the cabinet. . 2.Connecta9Vbatterytothe connector plug. 3.Insertbatteryinthe compartmentand replacethe compartment door. Power Failure Indicator :IB When the AC power is interrupted' (disconnected)for a short period of time, . both time and alarmsettingswill change' (unlessoptional battery isinstalled).After AC power is restored (reconnected),the Digital Displaywill blink to indicatethat' power was interrupted and you should .re- adjustthe time and alarmsettings. . Setting time: : 1.Press the SET button, the" : " will flash Tip: No icon will be flashing if all selectors are . on the display. . 2. PressREV c:::::J or FWD [::::;1 to set the time. . 3.AMor PMiconwill showbesidethe set, if you see any icon flashing on display, press the SET button repeatedly to confirm everything is set correctly. . . . time. . Thedescriptions and characteristics in this owner's manual are for the purpoie of general . reference only and not as a guarantee. In order to provide you with the highest quality . product, we may make changes or modifications without prior notice. The English version serves . as the final reference on all product and operational details should any discrepancies arise in other languages. ' ". 3 """"""""""""""""""""""" . 2 theRadio EI: . Tuning the Stations : 1. PressON to turn on the radio. . 2. Slide the FM/AM switch to the desired . broa...