manual abstract
(F11) ADVERTENCIA Nunca trate de hacer arrancar el motor sosteniendo la motosierra en las manos. Esto es sumamente peligroso, ya que la cadena de la 30 8. Operation English 5. When engine has ignited, first push in the choke knob to the first-stage position and then pull the starter again to start the engine. 6. Allow the engine to warm up with the throttle lever pulled slightly. Keep clear of the saw chain as it will start rotatIng upon starting of engine. ¦ CHECKING THE OIL SUPPLY Make sure to set up the bar and the chain when checking the oil supply. If not, the rotating parts may be exposed. It is very dangerous. After starting the engine, run the chain at medium speed and see if chain oil is scattered off as shown in the figure. (F12) (1) Chain oil The oil tank should become nearly empty by the time fuel is used up. Be sure to refill the oil tank every time when refueling the saw. ¦ ADJUSTING THE CARBURETOR (F14) The carburetor on your unit has been factory adjusted, but may require fine tuning due to a change in operating conditions. Before adjusting the carburetor, make sure that the provided air/fuel filters are clean and fresh and the fuel properly mixed. When adjusting, take the following steps: Be sure to adjust the carburetor with the bar chain attached. NOTE NOTE WARNING WARNING F12 8. Operation English 5. When engine has ignited, first push in the choke knob to the first-stage position and then pull the starter again to start the engine. 6. Allow the engine to warm up with the throttle lever pulled slightly. Keep clear of the saw chain as it will start rotatIng upon starting of engine. ¦ CHECKING THE OIL SUPPLY Make sure to set up the bar and the chain when checking the oil supply. If not, the rotating parts may be exposed. It is very dangerous. After starting the engine, run the chain at medium speed and see if chain oil is scattered off as shown in the figure. (F12) (1) Chain oil The oil tank should become nearly empty by the time fuel is used up. Be sure to refill the oil tank every time when refueling the saw. ¦ ADJUSTING THE CARBURETOR (F14) The carburetor on your unit has been factory adjusted, but may require fine tuning due to a change in operating conditions. Before adjusting the carburetor, make sure that the provided air/fuel filters are clean and fresh and the fuel properly mixed. When adjusting, take the following steps: Be sure to adjust the carburetor with the bar chain attached. NOTE NOTE WARNING WARNING F12 Francais Espanol Francais Espanol 8. Fonctionnement 8. Uso 5. Si le moteur demarre et cale, repousser le bouton de starter a la premiere position et tirer a nouveau la cordelette du lanceur pour remettre le moteur en marche. 6. Laisser le moteur se rechauffer en accelerant legerement. AVERTISSEMENT Ne pas s’approcher de la chaine qui se met a tourner des que le moteur demarre. ¦ CONTROLE DU GRAISSAGE DE LA CHAINE AVERTISSEMENT Avant de verifier l’huile, s’assurer que la barre et la chaine sont bien en place. Si elles ne le sont pas les pieces rotatives exposees constituent un veritable danger. Une fois que le moteur a demarre, Ie faire tourner a regime moyen et verifier que l’huile de chaine est projetee et forme une trace sur le sol. (F12) (1) Huile de chaine REMARQUE Le reservoir d’huile doit etre presque vide quand le carburant est epuise. Veiller a remplir le reservoir d’huile a l’occasion du plein en carburant de la tronconneuse. ¦ RegLAGE DU CARBURATEUR (F14) Le carburateur est regle en usine avant expedition mais il peut etre necessaire de parfaire le reglage en fonction des conditions d’utilisation. Avant de refaire le reglage du carburateur, verifier que le filtre a air et le filtre a essence sont propres et que la composition du carburant utilise est correcte. Methode de reglage : REMARQUE Le reglage du carburateur doit se faire avec le guidechaine et la chaine en place. motosierra puede tocar su cuerpo. 5. Una vez que se produzca la ignicion, presione el boton del estrangulador hacia dentro, hasta la primera posicion, y tire nuevamente de la cuerda de arranque para arrancar el motor. 6. Deje que el motor se caliente manteniendo la palanca del acelerador ligeramente accionada. ADVERTENCIA Evite acercarse a la cadena de la motosierra, ya que esta comienza a moverse una vez que el motor arranca. ¦ CONTROL DEL SUMINISTRO DE ACEITE ADVERTENCIA Asegurese de colocar la barra y la cadena al verificar el suministro de aceite. De lo contrario, las partes giratorias estaran expuestas, lo que es muy peligroso. Despues de hacer arrancar el motor, haga funcionar la cadena a velocidad media y verifique que se produzca un derrame de aceite segun se indica en la ilustracion. (F12) (1) Aceite para la cadena NOTA el tanque de aceite deberia quedar casi vacio cuando se consume el combustible. No olvide volver a llenarlo de aceite cada vez que reposta la sierra. ¦ AJUSTE DEL CARBURADOR (F14) El carburador de esta unidad ha sido ajustado en fabrica. Sin embargo, en algunos casos puede...
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