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User manual Sony, model CDX-GT44iP

Manafacture: Sony
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manual abstract

Note sul collegamento dei diffusori • Prima di collegare i diffusori spegnere l’apparecchio. • Usare diffusori di impedenza compresa tra 4 e 8 ohm e con capacita di potenza adeguata, altrimenti i diffusori potrebbero venire danneggiati. • Non collegare i terminali del sistema diffusori al telaio dell’auto e non collegare i terminali del diffusore destro a quelli del diffusore sinistro. • Non collegare il cavo di terra di questo apparecchio al terminale negativo (–) del diffusore. • Non collegare i diffusori in parallelo. • Assicurarsi di collegare soltanto diffusori passivi, poiche il collegamento di diffusori attivi, dotati di amplifi catori incorporati, ai terminali dei diffusori potrebbe danneggiare l’apparecchio. • Per evitare problemi di funzionamento, non utilizzare i cavi dei diffusori incorporati installati nell’automobile se l’apparecchio condivide un cavo comune negativo (–) per i diffusori destro e sinistro. • Non collegare fra loro i cavi dei diffusori dell’apparecchio. Nota sui collegamenti Se l’amplifi catore e il diffusore non sono collegati correttamente, “FAILURE” viene visualizzato nel display. In tal caso, accertarsi che l’amplifi catore e il diffusore siano collegati correttamente. Cautions • This unit is designed for negative ground (earth) 12 V DC operation only. • Do not get the leads under a screw, or caught in moving parts (e.g. seat railing). • Before making connections, turn the car ignition off to avoid short circuits. • Connect the power connecting lead . to the unit and speakers before connecting it to the auxiliary power connector. • Run all ground (earth) leads to a common ground (earth) point. • Be sure to insulate any loose unconnected leads with electrical tape for safety. Notes on the power supply lead (yellow) • When connecting this unit in combination with other stereo components, the connected car circuit’s rating must be higher than the sum of each component’s fuse. • When no car circuits are rated high enough, connect the unit directly to the battery. iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Parts list • The numbers in the list are keyed to those in the instructions. • The bracket . and the protection collar . are attached to the unit before shipping. Before mounting the unit, use the release keys . to remove the bracket . and the protection collar . from the unit. For details, see “Removing the protection collar and the bracket (.)” on the reverse side of the sheet. • Keep the release keys . for future use as they are also necessary if you remove the unit from your car. Caution Handle the bracket . carefully to avoid injuring your fi ngers. . Catch Note Before installing, make sure that the catches on both sides of the bracket . are bent inwards 2 mm (3/32 in). If the catches are straight or bent outwards, the unit will not be installed securely and may spring out. Connection example Notes • Be sure to connect the ground (earth) lea...

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